Independent Brokers & Assoc
1659 Anna Lee
New Braunfels, TX 78130-1121
Phone: (210) 381-5066
New Braunfels residents can count on Independent Brokers & Assoc to give a helping hand when purchasing insurance. Call (210) 381-5066 to talk to an agent or stop by at 1659 Anna Lee. Serving the greater New Braunfels area and beyond.
If you're trying to find insurance agents in New Braunfels, TX or just looking to lower your rates we can help. These tips may help.
- Independent Brokers & Assoc is an insurance services provider in your area. Contact them for assistance with your insurance needs.
- New Braunfels auto insurance premiums are expensive, and nobody enjoys having to pay more than they need to for car insurance. You'll be able to lower your vehicle insurance rates by boosting your insurance deductibles, maintain a top credit rating, steer clear of speeding tickets or having at-fault accidents, and drive lower-cost cars which are less expensive to repair than pricey imports.
- If you own a home in New Braunfels and are shopping for home insurance, higher deductibles can give you substantial savings on your premiums. If you can afford to pay a higher deductible when you have a claim, you may come out ahead by raising your deductible.
- Under no circumstances allow your insurance coverage to expire. You may find it very hard to get insurance again in Texas should your insurance policy expire, and your insurance coverage may cost considerably more than it had before.